So I'm starting to develop my own dictionary since I'm out of theory. I'm mainly looking for Congressional briefs and phrases at the moment. Steno Poet, from, told me a website that had a list of Congressional briefs that could be added to your dictionary. This website is and is owned by Downey CSR.
I've been going through the pages one by one and seeing what works and what doesn't. These are ones that I added, inspired by their pages.These are not official briefs from StenEd, so if you'd like to use them you'll have to add it.
allies - Al/LAOEUS
congressional - KONGS/NAL
constituent - STIT/WENT
constituents - STIT/WENTS
constitutional - STAOUNL
Democrat - D*EM
democrat - DEM
petroleum - PET/YUM
Republican - R*EPBL
republican - REPBL
World War - W*FPLT W*FPLT
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