Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day Four - Klutz!

Well, day four and disaster strikes. For those of you who were familiar with my old blog, The Court Reporter's Oatmeal, you'll recall how the blog obtained its name. I put the oatmeal a tad bit too long in the morning, and tripped in my morning, groggy state. I burned my hand on the oatmeal which flipped over on my hand, but I was lucky enough to shake it off and move on. After a few days of rest I was fine.

Sadly, I cannot say I learned anything from the first time. Today I had just come home from one doctor when I decided to have some lunch. I decided to have some Cup of Noodle Soup to save a bit of money and popped it in the microwave, again, a tad bit too long. When I took it out I discovered I put a little too much water in the cup and it splashed into the crease of my thumb and down over my wrist. I jumped, which gave me a second splash of scalding, burning water before I set the cup down on the counter.

I was not supposed to put ointment on Second Degree Burns, which I did not know at the time, because it burns the burn even more than it already was. By the time I washed it off I was already in extreme pain, and my cheeks were more wet than my hand which was under the sink. My primary doctor was not in, so I was sent to an Urgent Care Center.

I was told I had second degree burns and was prescribed a cream to help soothe it, which I discovered my parents were well familiar with when I was a child. Supposedly, I walked into my mother's curling iron still hot in her hand. So apparently hot things and Nev do not mix at all.

Sigh, so no practice today and no exercise. I'll start up again in a couple of days but I was told to give the hand a rest for the next five days and use it as little as possible. Aren't I a good listener? Hopefully by tomorrow I'll feel well enough to just pick up and move on, but if not I'm not going to push it. If I don't feel up to par tomorrow to exercise, I'll see you guys again in a few days I guess. 

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